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Take the first step towards financial freedom with Financial Path Hawaii. 

person walking next to home

Win with Money

Winning with money

Do you feel like you are trying your best but still cannot get ahead with money? What steps do you need to save for retirement, a home, college, or life's other big adventures? Everyone's journey is going to be different, let me help guide you on your path to your desired destination.

The Solution

family around computer

The solution is simple but complicated at the same time. Solution: spend less money than you make and have money work for you. But how do we do that? By understanding the psychology behind money, so that you can survive and thrive. 

Jason Jong
Financial coach

owner jason

This is me after paying off my mortgage loan of over $1,000,000 for my Honolulu condo in 2022. Being debt free was one of the greatest feelings in my life. Let me help you get on a path to financial freedom.  

© 2023 by Financial Path Hawaii

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